Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Abnormal Psychology 3009PSY Course
Adolescent Development 3021PSY Course
Adult Assessment and Neuropsychology 7144PSY Course
Adult Development and Ageing 3012PSY Course
Adult Psychopathology 7140PSY Course
Advanced Assessment and Neuropsychology 7159PSY Course
Advanced Child and Family Assessment and Treatment 7145PSY Course
Advanced Clinical Psychology Process and Therapy A 7155PSY_Y1 Course
Advanced Clinical Psychology Process and Therapy B 7155PSY_Y2 Course
Advanced Professional Practice 7146PSY Course
Advanced Professional Practice 7154PSY Course
Advanced Research Methods 7415PSY Course
Advanced Topics in Psychology 6024PSY Course
Advances in Suicide Research 1 7002CSR Course
Advances in Suicide Research 2 7004CSR Course
Applied Psychology 1021PSY Course
Applied Social Psychology 3022PSY Course
Applying Psychology 3030PSY Course
Approaches to People Experiencing Suicidal Distress 7006CSR Course
Assessment and Evaluation 7607PSY Course
Assessment, Diagnosis and Formulation 7151PSY Course
Australian Healthcare Systems, Reform, Change and Innovation 7330MED Course
Behaviour Change Skills 3018PSY Course
Biological Psychology 2007PSY Course
Career Psychology and Counselling 2020PSY Course
Child and Family Assessment and Treatment 7141PSY Course
Clinical Health Psychology 7241PSY Course
Clinical Health Psychology Part A 7241PSY_P1 Course
Clinical Health Psychology Part B 7241PSY_P2 Course
Clinical Research 7162PSY Course
Cognitive Neuropsychology 3019PSY Course
Cognitive Neuroscience 3010PSY Course
Cognitive Psychology 2006PSY Course
Contemporary Issues in Organisational Psychology 7420PSY Course
Contemporary Suicide Prevention Practice 1 7001CSR Course
Contemporary Suicide Prevention Practice II 7003CSR Course
Counselling Development 1 3016PSY Course
Counselling Development 2 3017PSY Course
Counselling Practicum 1: Applying Theory 3014PSY Course
Counselling Practicum 2: Reflective Practice 3015PSY Course
Counselling Skills 1018PSY Course
Counselling Theory and Practice 3005PSY Course
Developmental Psychology 2015PSY Course
Dissertation 7009CSR_P3 Course
Dissertation 7009CSR_P2 Course
Dissertation 7009CSR_P4 Course
Dissertation 7009CSR_P1 Course
Dissertation 1 8091PSY Course
Dissertation 3A 8093PSY_P1 Course
Dissertation 3B 8093PSY_P2 Course
Dissertation 4 8294PSY Course
Dissertation A 8021PSY Course
Dissertation B 8022PSY Course
Dissertation C 8023PSY Course
Dissertation D 8024PSY Course
Dissertation IV 8004PSY Course
Dissertation V 8005PSY Course
Ethical and Cultural Dimensions of Suicidal Behaviour 7007CSR Course
Experimental Design and Analysis 2000PSY Course
Group Facilitation and Coaching Skills 2018PSY Course
Health and Disability 7160PSY Course
Health Psychology 2010PSY Course
Health, Disability and Neuropsychology A 7156PSY_Y1 Course
Health, Disability and Neuropsychology B 7156PSY_Y2 Course
Honours Research Project 6000PSY_Y2 Course
Honours Research Project 6000PSY_Y1 Course
Interpersonal Skills 1008PSY Course
Introduction to Psychological Science and Society 1009PSY Course
Introduction to Psychology 1 1001PSY Course
Introduction to Psychology 2 1002PSY Course
Issues in Quantitative Research 6020PSY Course
Leadership and Performance Development 7417PSY Course
Lifespan Psychopathology and Therapy 1 7152PSY Course
Lifespan Psychopathology and Therapy 2 7153PSY Course
Lifespan Psychopathology and Therapy 3 7158PSY Course
Organisational Psychology 2004PSY Course
Personality Psychology 2016PSY Course
Placement 7610PSY Course
Positive Psychology 1010PSY Course
Practice Skills for Psychologists 7605PSY Course
Practicum 1 8181PSY Course
Practicum 2A 8180PSY_P1 Course
Practicum 2A 8182PSY_P1 Course
Practicum 2B 8182PSY_P2 Course
Practicum 2B 8180PSY_P2 Course
Practicum 3 8183PSY Course
Practicum 3 8187PSY Course
Practicum 3B 8183PSY_P2 Course
Practicum 4 8184PSY Course
Practicum 4 8188PSY Course
Practicum 4A 8184PSY_P1 Course
Practicum 4B 8184PSY_P2 Course
Practicum B 8190PSY Course
Practicum I 8301PSY Course
Practicum II 8302PSY Course
Practicum III 8303PSY Course
Practicum IV 8304PSY Course
Practicum V 8305PSY Course
Professional and Ethical Skills 7600PSY Course
Professional Practice 7150PSY Course
Professional Practice 1A 7150PSY_Y1 Course
Professional Practice 1B 7150PSY_Y2 Course
Professional Practice 2A 7154PSY_Y1 Course
Professional Practice 2B 7154PSY_Y2 Course
Professional Psychology A 6023PSY Course
Professional Psychology B 6021PSY Course
Professional Skills 7418PSY Course
Psychological Assessment 7403PSY Course
Psychological Assessment of Individual Differences 3006PSY Course
Psychological Perspectives on Cultural Diversity 3033PSY Course
Psychology in Professional Contexts 1011PSY Course
Psychology of Learning and Development 7407PSY Course
Psychotherapy 1 7142PSY Course
Psychotherapy 2 7143PSY Course
Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare 7309MED Course
Research 8920PSY Course
Research 8930PSY Course
Research 8950PSY Course
Research 8940PSY Course
Research 8910PSY Course
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology 1003PSY Course
Research Project 1 7157PSY_P1 Course
Research Project 2 7157PSY_P2 Course
Research Project 3 7157PSY_P3 Course
Research Project 4 7157PSY_P4 Course
Social and Cultural Psychology 2008PSY Course
Strategic Organisational Psychology 7419PSY Course
Suicide Assessment Tools 7005CSR Course
Survey Design and Analysis 3003PSY Course
Work, Stress and Health 7405PSY Course

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