Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
"Migration, Diversity and Social Justice" |
2550LHS |
Course |
(Re)Imagining Aging and Dying 1 |
3142LHS |
Course |
(Re)Imagining Aging and Dying 1 |
2022LHS |
Course |
A History of Crime and Punishment |
HSY311 |
Course |
A History of Nature |
2059LHS |
Course |
A History of Terrorism and Political Violence |
2055LHS |
Course |
A History of Terrorism and Political Violence |
HSY205 |
Course |
A History of War |
HSY315 |
Course |
A Window into Hispanic Cultures |
3086LHS |
Course |
A Window into Hispanic Cultures (Enhanced) |
3090LHS |
Course |
Aboriginal Political Histories |
2034LHS |
Course |
Aboriginal Political Histories |
HSY210 |
Course |
Academic Writing |
COM101 |
Course |
Academic Writing |
COM10 |
Course |
Advanced Digital Media Production |
3502LHS |
Course |
Advanced Independent Research Study 1 |
7561LHS |
Course |
Advanced Independent Research Study 2 |
7562LHS |
Course |
Advanced Independent Research Study 3 |
7568LHS |
Course |
Advanced Islamic Studies |
3609LHS |
Course |
Advanced Italian 2 - Cinema (Enhanced) |
3293LHS |
Course |
Advanced Literary Studies |
3560LHS |
Course |
Advanced Project |
3060LHS |
Course |
Advanced Project |
LHS34 |
Course |
Advanced Project |
LHS341 |
Course |
Advanced Project |
3065LHS |
Course |
Advanced Public Writing |
7117LHS |
Course |
Advanced Research in Creative Writing |
7115LHS |
Course |
Advanced Research in Humanities, Languages and Social Science |
6131LHS |
Course |
Advanced Research Issues in Intercultural Communication |
6001LHS |
Course |
Advanced Research in Creative Writing |
7155LHS |
Course |
Advanced Security Studies |
3580LHS |
Course |
American Literature |
LCS33 |
Course |
American Literature |
LCS331 |
Course |
Analysing Narrative Fiction |
LCS23 |
Course |
Analysing Narrative Fiction |
LCS231 |
Course |
Approaches to Human Security |
1213LHS |
Course |
Australia and the World |
AUS21 |
Course |
Australia and the World |
AUS211 |
Course |
Australia and the World |
2101LHS |
Course |
Australia: A Global History |
3243LHS |
Course |
Australian Literature and History 1890 to 1929 |
LCS31 |
Course |
Australian Literature and History 1890 to 1929 |
LCS311 |
Course |
Australian Literature and History 1930 to 1990 |
LCS321 |
Course |
Australian Literature and History 1930 to 1990 |
LCS32 |
Course |
Australian Progressive Traditions: Australia and the World |
HUM764 |
Course |
Australian Screen |
3312LHS |
Course |
Broadcast Journalism |
CJR320 |
Course |
Business Communication |
COM12 |
Course |
Business Communication |
COM121 |
Course |
Business of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Internship) |
7989LHS |
Course |
China Study Tour |
2434LHS |
Course |
Chinese/English Business Interpreting 1 |
3012LHS |
Course |
Chinese/English Business Interpreting 2 |
3013LHS |
Course |
Chinese/English Written Communication 1 |
3014LHS |
Course |
Chinese/English Written Communication 2 |
3015LHS |
Course |
Cinema History |
CMM101 |
Course |
Cinema History |
CMM10 |
Course |
Classic American Fiction |
HUM707 |
Course |
Classic Australian Novels |
HUM705 |
Course |
Classic Russian Novels of the Nineteenth Century |
HUM702 |
Course |
Communication and Cultural Tourism |
COM210 |
Course |
Communication and Public Value |
COM100 |
Course |
Communication for Social and Environmental Change Project |
3503LHS |
Course |
Communication in Crises and Disasters |
7125LHS |
Course |
Communication Performance |
1512LHS |
Course |
Communication Project 1 |
COM270 |
Course |
Communication Project 1 |
COM170 |
Course |
Communication Project 2 |
COM180 |
Course |
Communication Project 2 |
COM370 |
Course |
Communication Research Skills |
COM190 |
Course |
Communication Technologies |
CMM16 |
Course |
Communication: A Linguistic Approach |
1003LHS |
Course |
Communication: Theory and Scholarship |
1511LHS |
Course |
Conflict, Displacement and Human Rights |
2715LHS |
Course |
Contemporary Aboriginal Issues |
3053LHS |
Course |
Contemporary Australian Literature |
3067LHS |
Course |
Contemporary Australian Literature |
2167LHS |
Course |
Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture |
3280LHS |
Course |
Contemporary Italy: A Survey |
2095LHS |
Course |
Contemporary Theatre and Its Origins |
2221LHS |
Course |
Contemporary Theatre and Its Origins |
2231LHS |
Course |
Creative and Professional Writing |
COM141 |
Course |
Creative and Professional Writing |
COM14 |
Course |
Creative Arts and the Entrepreneurial Mindset |
1115LHS |
Course |
Creative Collaboration Lab 1 |
1116LHS |
Course |
Creative Collaboration Lab 2 |
1120LHS |
Course |
Creative Collaboration Lab 3 |
2014LHS |
Course |
Creative Collaboration Lab 4 |
3028LHS |
Course |
Creative Writing, Forms and Structures |
CWR110 |
Course |
Crisis and Disaster Communication |
3517LHS |
Course |
Critical Perspectives on Safety |
7225LHS |
Course |
Critical Safety Theory |
7227LHS |
Course |
Cross Cultural Practices and Protocols in the Creative Arts |
1114LHS |
Course |
Cross-Cultural World History |
HUM761 |
Course |
Cross-Cultural World History |
HSY316 |
Course |
Current Affairs in the Hispanic World |
3085LHS |
Course |
Current Affairs in the Hispanic World (Enhanced) |
3088LHS |
Course |
Dangerous Pleasures: An Introduction to Literary Studies |
1016LHS |
Course |
Data Storytelling |
2521LHS |
Course |
Death, Grief and Culture |
SGY352 |
Course |
Death, Grief and Culture |
3182LHS |
Course |
Defining Women: Social Institutions and Cultural Diversity |
GEN14 |
Course |
Developing Research and Analytical Skills |
COM151 |
Course |
Developing Research and Analytical Skills |
COM15 |
Course |
Devising Theatre |
3237LHS |
Course |
Devising Theatre |
3236LHS |
Course |
Digital Audio Media Production |
2523LHS |
Course |
Digital Media and Portfolio Production |
1513LHS |
Course |
Digital Media Theory |
COM360 |
Course |
Discourse Analysis |
7985LHS |
Course |
Discourse Analysis |
7995LHS |
Course |
Discourse, Text and Power |
3203LHS |
Course |
Disruptive Technologies in Creative Economies |
1118LHS |
Course |
Dissertation |
7501LHS_P1 |
Course |
Dissertation |
6040LHS_P2 |
Course |
Dissertation |
7999LHS_P1 |
Course |
Dissertation |
6040LHS_P3 |
Course |
Dissertation |
7501LHS_P4 |
Course |
Dissertation |
7999LHS_P2 |
Course |
Dissertation |
6040LHS_P1 |
Course |
Dissertation |
7501LHS_P3 |
Course |
Dissertation |
7501LHS_P2 |
Course |
Dissertation |
6040LHS_P4 |
Course |
Dissertation 1 |
8105LHS_P1 |
Course |
Dissertation 2 |
8105LHS_P2 |
Course |
Dissertation 3 |
8105LHS_P3 |
Course |
Dissertation Seminar |
8129LHS |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6005LHS_P1 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6005LHS_P4 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6005LHS_P3 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6005LHS_P2 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6500LHS_P5 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6500LHS_P4 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6500LHS_P1 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6500LHS_P3 |
Course |
Dissertation/Project |
6500LHS_P2 |
Course |
Documentary Scriptwriting |
CMM371 |
Course |
Documentary Scriptwriting |
CMM37 |
Course |
Documentary Studies |
2306LHS |
Course |
Drama for Social Action |
2232LHS |
Course |
Drama for Social Action |
2222LHS |
Course |
Drama Screenwriting |
CMM38 |
Course |
Drama Screenwriting |
CMM381 |
Course |
Editing for Publication |
3706LHS |
Course |
Editing for Publication |
3707LHS |
Course |
Empowering the Professional Communicator |
1509LHS |
Course |
Endangered Languages |
3205LHS |
Course |
English as a Global Language |
2201LHS |
Course |
English Words and Grammar |
2204LHS |
Course |
Environmental and Climate Change Communication |
2524LHS |
Course |
Environmental Communication |
7126LHS |
Course |
Ethical Communication |
2505LHS |
Course |
Europe in the World c.1500-2000CE |
HUM763 |
Course |
Experimental Writing |
3111LHS |
Course |
Feature Writing |
3506LHS |
Course |
Feature Writing |
3506LHS_M2 |
Course |
First Peoples |
1088LHS |
Course |
First Peoples |
2181LHS |
Course |
Foundations of Academic Writing |
1019LHS |
Course |
Foundations of Academic Writing |
1029LHS |
Course |
Foundations of Research and Analysis |
1905LHS |
Course |
Foundations of Western Culture |
1705LHS |
Course |
Fundamentals of Communication |
LHS156 |
Course |
Fundamentals of Communication |
1506LHS |
Course |
Gender Issues in Islam and Muslim Societies |
2614LHS |
Course |
Genres of Journalism |
1702LHS |
Course |
Global Humanities |
1706LHS |
Course |
Global Indigeneities |
2035LHS |
Course |
Global Journalism, Media and Communication |
2506LHS |
Course |
Global Shakespeare |
2161LHS |
Course |
Gothic Afterlives |
LHS241 |
Course |
Gothic Afterlives |
2141LHS |
Course |
Great Books |
LTR110 |
Course |
Great Directors |
CMM241 |
Course |
Great Empires of Islamic Civilization |
2610LHS |
Course |
Griffith Chinese 1 |
2010LHS_Y1 |
Course |
Health and Science Communication |
2525LHS |
Course |
Histories of Sexuality |
2057LHS |
Course |
History of Sex and Sexuality |
HSY204 |
Course |
Hollywood Cinema |
CMM28 |
Course |
Hollywood Cinema |
2100LHS |
Course |
Hollywood Cinema |
CMM281 |
Course |
Honours Research Training |
6130LHS |
Course |
How to Learn Languages |
1012LHS |
Course |
Human Rights Journalism and Communication |
3507LHS |
Course |
Ideas, Issues and Inquiry |
1061LHS |
Course |
Image, Text and Culture |
CMM191 |
Course |
Image, Text and Culture |
CMM19 |
Course |
Independent Internship |
3200LHS |
Course |
Independent Project |
HUM33 |
Course |
Independent Research Study |
7977LHS |
Course |
Independent Research Study |
7560LHS |
Course |
Independent Research Study |
7987LHS |
Course |
Independent Research Study |
7998LHS |
Course |
Individual Project 1 |
7142LHS_P1 |
Course |
Individual Project 2 |
7142LHS_P2 |
Course |
Individual Project 3 |
7142LHS_P3 |
Course |
Industry Internship 1 |
3531LHS |
Course |
Industry Internship 2 |
3532LHS |
Course |
Intensive Italian IA |
1092LHS |
Course |
Intensive Italian IB |
1093LHS |
Course |
Intercultural Communication |
3202LHS |
Course |
Intercultural Communication Enhanced |
3222LHS |
Course |
Interdisciplinary Research Workshop |
6132LHS |
Course |
International Journalism |
CJR310 |
Course |
International Reporting |
7127LHS |
Course |
Introducing Communication Studies |
COM110 |
Course |
Introduction to Communication and Journalism |
LHS155 |
Course |
Introduction to Communication and Journalism |
1505LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Creative Writing |
1104LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Creative Writing |
1103LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Drama: Performance Skills |
1222LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Drama: Performance Skills |
1221LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Journalism |
1508LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Performance |
2179LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Public Relations |
1510LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Public Relations |
CMM127 |
Course |
Introduction to Science and the Humanities |
1010LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Screen Analysis |
1009LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Screen Analysis |
CMM171 |
Course |
Introduction to Screen Analysis |
2182LHS |
Course |
Introduction to Screen Analysis |
CMM17 |
Course |
Introduction to Social Science |
1710LHS |
Course |
Introduction to System Safety |
7009LHS |
Course |
Investigative Journalism |
2507LHS |
Course |
Irish Literature |
LCI21 |
Course |
Irish Literature |
LCI211 |
Course |
Islam and Muslim Communities in the West |
3612LHS |
Course |
Islam in the Modern World |
2178LHS |
Course |
Islam in the Modern World |
1603LHS |
Course |
Islam, Media and Conflict |
2611LHS |
Course |
Islamic Law in a Changing World |
2613LHS |
Course |
Issues in Contemporary Communication |
COM221 |
Course |
Issues in Contemporary Communication |
COM22 |
Course |
Italian 1A |
1090LHS |
Course |
Italian 1B |
1091LHS |
Course |
Italian 2A |
2090LHS |
Course |
Italian 2A (Enhanced) |
2190LHS |
Course |
Italian 2B |
2096LHS |
Course |
Italian 2B (Enhanced) |
2196LHS |
Course |
Italian 2B Spoken |
2091LHS |
Course |
Italian 2B Written |
2092LHS |
Course |
Italian Eco-Cinema |
LHS393 |
Course |
Italian Eco-Cinema |
3093LHS |
Course |
Italian Language and Society |
3094LHS |
Course |
Italian Language and Society Enhanced |
3294LHS |
Course |
Italy through Food |
3190LHS |
Course |
Japan Study Tour |
2424LHS |
Course |
Japanese 1A |
1032LHS |
Course |
Japanese 1B |
1033LHS |
Course |
Japanese 2A |
2040LHS |
Course |
Japanese 2A Enhanced |
2043LHS |
Course |
Japanese 2B |
2042LHS |
Course |
Japanese 2B Enhanced |
2045LHS |
Course |
Japanese 3A |
3040LHS |
Course |
Japanese for Professional Purposes |
3533LHS |
Course |
Japanese for Professional Purposes (Enhanced) |
3566LHS |
Course |
Japanese In-Country Independent Study Enhanced |
3193LHS |
Course |
Japanese Society and Pop Culture |
2406LHS |
Course |
Journalism Internship 1 |
3160LHS |
Course |
Journalism Internship 2 |
3163LHS |
Course |
Landscape, Ecology and Empire c.1500-1900 |
HUM762 |
Course |
Language and Communication for Arts and Social Sciences |
5904LHS |
Course |
Language and Communication for Business and Commerce |
5901LHS |
Course |
Language and Communication for Health |
5902LHS |
Course |
Language and Communication for Sciences |
5903LHS |
Course |
Language and Gender |
2150LHS |
Course |
Language and Gender |
2151LHS |
Course |
Language and Gender |
3150LHS |
Course |
Language awareness for second language teachers |
7901LHS |
Course |
Language Exchange Study |
5030LHS |
Course |
Language Exchange Study |
5010LHS |
Course |
Language Exchange Study |
5020LHS |
Course |
Language Exchange Study |
5050LHS |
Course |
Language Exchange Study |
5040LHS |
Course |
Language In-Country Independent Study |
3191LHS |
Course |
Language In-Country Independent Study Enhanced |
3192LHS |
Course |
Language Testing and Assessment |
7990LHS |
Course |
Language, Communication and Social Interaction |
3201LHS |
Course |
Language, Culture and Society |
2183LHS |
Course |
Language, Culture and Society |
1402LHS |
Course |
Language, Technology and Social Media |
2203LHS |
Course |
Languages of East and Southeast Asia |
2007LHS |
Course |
Leadership and Ethical Awareness in the Creative Arts |
1119LHS |
Course |
Learning and Teaching a 2nd/Foreign Language |
2001LHS |
Course |
Learning and Teaching in Bi/Multilingual Settings |
7996LHS |
Course |
Linguistics 1A - Introduction to the Study of Language I |
1001LHS |
Course |
Linguistics 1B - Introduction to the Study of Language II |
1002LHS |
Course |
Longform Journalism |
2514LHS |
Course |
Major Themes in Islamic Tradition |
3613LHS |
Course |
Management Communication |
COM211 |
Course |
Management Communication |
COM21 |
Course |
Media Audiences |
CMM311 |
Course |
Media Audiences |
3305LHS |
Course |
Media Audiences |
CMM31 |
Course |
Media Campaigns and Strategies |
3518LHS |
Course |
Media Design |
3016LHS |
Course |
Media Ethics |
COM260 |
Course |
Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
LHS258 |
Course |
Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2508LHS |
Course |
Media Law |
2513LHS |
Course |
Media Law |
CMM261 |
Course |
Media Law |
CMM26 |
Course |
Media Relations |
CMM220 |
Course |
Media Relations |
2515LHS |
Course |
Media, Politics and Public Opinion |
2509LHS |
Course |
Media, Power and Decision-making |
7109LHS |
Course |
Migration, Settlement and Integration |
3550LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 1A |
1084LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 1B |
1085LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 2A |
2173LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 2A |
2010LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 2B |
2063LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 2B Enhanced |
2011LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) 3A |
3010LHS |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) IA |
CHN11 |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) IB |
CHN12 |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) IIA |
CHN221 |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) IIB |
CHN222 |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) IIIA |
CHN31 |
Course |
Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) IIIB |
3011LHS |
Course |
Morphology and Syntax |
3009LHS |
Course |
Muslim World Study Tour |
3610LHS |
Course |
Narrative Fiction |
LHS243 |
Course |
New Communication Technologies |
1501LHS |
Course |
New Television and Cultural Change |
COM310 |
Course |
News and Information Gathering |
CJR220 |
Course |
News and Politics |
CMM18 |
Course |
News Production |
3105LHS |
Course |
News Writing and Ethics |
2511LHS |
Course |
News Writing and Ethics |
CJR200 |
Course |
Organisational Communication |
COM31 |
Course |
Organisational Communication |
COM311 |
Course |
Page to Stage |
2233LHS |
Course |
Page to Stage |
2223LHS |
Course |
Passion and Purpose in Professional Life |
1720LHS |
Course |
Performing Ecologies |
3223LHS |
Course |
Poetry and Poetic Imagination |
3063LHS |
Course |
Politics of Law and Justice in China |
3380LHS |
Course |
Popular Genres |
3723LHS |
Course |
Popular Genres |
3724LHS |
Course |
Popular Music, Culture and Identity |
SGY355 |
Course |
Popular Music, Culture and Identity |
3056LHS |
Course |
Power and Politics |
2139LHS |
Course |
Power and Politics |
SGY200 |
Course |
Power, Politics and Trouble in Paradise: South Pacific Study Tour |
3381LHS |
Course |
Principles of Research |
7008LHS |
Course |
Private Lives and Public Troubles |
3055LHS |
Course |
Professional Experience |
7565LHS |
Course |
Public Policy for Change |
2111LHS |
Course |
Public Relations Theory, Ethics and Professional Practice |
2501LHS |
Course |
Public Writing |
CMM251 |
Course |
Public Writing |
COM200 |
Course |
Public Writing and Professional Practice |
2512LHS |
Course |
Publishing in the Marketplace |
CWR320 |
Course |
Reconstructing Indigenous Identities |
3034LHS |
Course |
Religious and Ideological Extremism |
2615LHS |
Course |
Research and Writing for Journalism |
LHS157 |
Course |
Research Colloquium |
6204LHS |
Course |
Research Design |
6110LHS |
Course |
Research in Sociology |
3035LHS |
Course |
Research in Sociology |
SGY356 |
Course |
Research in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
7997LHS |
Course |
Research Methods |
7563LHS |
Course |
Research Methods for Social Science |
1712LHS |
Course |
Research Skills and Writing for Communication and Journalism |
1507LHS |
Course |
Researching (In)Security |
3718LHS |
Course |
Rethinking Journalism and Media |
3025LHS |
Course |
Risk and Crisis Communication |
CMM317 |
Course |
Safety Ethics and Accountability |
7226LHS |
Course |
Screen Celebrity and Stardom |
CMM348 |
Course |
Second Language Acquisition |
3002LHS |
Course |
Second Language Acquisition: Theory and Application |
7991LHS |
Course |
Second Language Curriculum Development |
7904LHS |
Course |
Second Language Teaching in Practice (Internship) |
7903LHS |
Course |
Shakespeare's Plays |
HUM701 |
Course |
Social Data Analytics |
2116LHS |
Course |
Social Media for Global Communications |
LHS321 |
Course |
Social Media for Journalism and Public Relations |
3521LHS |
Course |
Social Media Law and Risk Management |
7124LHS |
Course |
Social Science in Action (Capstone) |
3711LHS |
Course |
Sociolinguistics for Second Language Teachers |
7994LHS |
Course |
Sociology of Identity |
SGY230 |
Course |
Sociology of Identity |
2143LHS |
Course |
Sociology of Youth |
SGY251 |
Course |
Sociology of Youth |
2026LHS |
Course |
Spanish 1A |
1080LHS |
Course |
Spanish 1B |
1081LHS |
Course |
Spanish 2A |
2080LHS |
Course |
Spanish 2A (Enhanced) |
2082LHS |
Course |
Spanish 2B |
2081LHS |
Course |
Spanish 2B (Enhanced) |
2083LHS |
Course |
Spanish for Professional Purposes |
3083LHS |
Course |
Spanish for Professional Purposes (Enhanced) |
3087LHS |
Course |
Structures of (in) security |
2718LHS_M3 |
Course |
Structures of (in)security |
2718LHS |
Course |
Styles and Genres of Journalism |
CMM129 |
Course |
Teaching a 2nd/Foreign Language |
3001LHS |
Course |
Teaching English for Academic Purposes |
7899LHS |
Course |
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Research Design |
7986LHS |
Course |
Technology Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching |
7993LHS |
Course |
Technology in Society |
3037LHS |
Course |
Technology in Society |
1707LHS |
Course |
Television Journalism |
3513LHS |
Course |
Television Studies |
2102LHS |
Course |
Television Studies |
CMM221 |
Course |
The Biography Project II |
3146LHS |
Course |
The Biography Project Overseas Experience: New York |
3147LHS |
Course |
THE BIOGRAPHY PROJECT: Biography and Life Stories at End of Life |
2144LHS |
Course |
The Biography Project: Biography and Life Stories at End of Life |
3144LHS |
Course |
The Body in History |
2054LHS |
Course |
The Body in History |
HSY209 |
Course |
The Design of Language |
1044LHS |
Course |
The Emerging Journalist |
2575LHS |
Course |
The Newspaper in History |
CJR340 |
Course |
The Practice of Ideation in the Creative Arts |
1113LHS |
Course |
The Storytellers, Reading Fiction |
LHS242 |
Course |
The Storytellers: Reading Fiction |
2142LHS |
Course |
Theatre Direction |
3221LHS |
Course |
Theatre Direction |
3231LHS |
Course |
Themes in World History |
HSY111 |
Course |
Thinking Ethically |
HUM206 |
Course |
Touring Cultures: Collecting words and images in Peru |
3356LHS |
Course |
Translation as a bridge between cultures |
3403LHS |
Course |
Translation as a Bridge Between Cultures |
2403LHS |
Course |
Transnational Indigenous Literatures |
3062LHS |
Course |
Understanding Narrative Fiction |
LCS221 |
Course |
Understanding Narrative Fiction |
LCS22 |
Course |
Understanding Risk |
7143LHS |
Course |
Understanding the Language Learner |
7902LHS |
Course |
Understanding the Social World |
1007LHS |
Course |
Understanding the Social World |
SGY14 |
Course |
Understanding the Social World |
SGY141 |
Course |
Visual Culture |
COM120 |
Course |
War, Peace and Security: Humanity and History |
3145LHS |
Course |
Wicked Problems |
3300LHS |
Course |
Work and Leisure |
3054LHS |
Course |
Work and Leisure |
SGY354 |
Course |
World Cinema |
3301LHS |
Course |
World Englishes |
7992LHS |
Course |
World History |
1117LHS |
Course |
Writing Across Cultures |
2106LHS |
Course |
Writing and Reading a Changing World |
1721LHS |
Course |
Writing Contemporary Fiction |
7119LHS |
Course |
Writing Contemporary Fiction |
7159LHS |
Course |
Writing Creative Nonfiction - Places, People and Journey |
7158LHS |
Course |
Writing Creative Nonfiction: Places, People and Journey |
7118LHS |
Course |
Writing Crime and Contemporary Romance |
CWR211 |
Course |
Writing for Children and Young Adults |
CWR213 |
Course |
Writing Gothic and Speculative Fiction |
CWR312 |
Course |
Writing History |
3052LHS |
Course |
Writing History: Voice, Evidence, Approach |
2180LHS |
Course |
Writing Poetry |
CWR210 |
Course |
Writing Poetry |
2153LHS |
Course |
Writing Poetry |
2154LHS |
Course |
Writing Short Fiction |
2036LHS |
Course |
Writing Short Fiction |
2076LHS |
Course |
Writing the Character Journey from Comics to Film |
2105LHS |
Course |
Writing the Character Journey from Comics to Film |
2104LHS |
Course |
Writing the Short Story |
CWR111 |
Course |